Cal chew (30 chewable tablets)

Cal chew (30 chewable tablets) is a food supplement chewable tablet High Source of Vitamins (D3-K) AND MINERALS (CALCIUM –MAGNESIUM) WITH ARTIFICIAL ORANGE FLAVOR FOR OPTIMUM BONE HEALTH. Made in Italy

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    Cal chew (30 chewable tablets) is a food supplement chewable tablet High Source of Vitamins (D3-K) AND MINERALS (CALCIUM –MAGNESIUM) WITH ARTIFICIAL ORANGE FLAVOR FOR OPTIMUM BONE HEALTH.


    Calcium :- 

    • helps to build strong bones and teeth
    • is a mineral that must be constantly eaten to build bone and maintain the blood level of calcium.
    • Stabilizes blood pressure.
    • Contributes to normal brain function.

    vitamin K:-

    • vitamin k2 mk7: It activates osteocalcin protein in the bone which is responsible for binding calcium to the bone matrix.
    • Fat-soluble vitamins (k1&k2).

    vitamin D3:-

    • helps calcium absorption from GIT.
    • SEVERELY LOW LEVELS OF VITAMIN D can result in soft, brittle bones; and muscle pain and weakness


    • Magnesium is essential for absorption and metabolism of calcium &helps in keep bone strong.


    Cal chew is important for pregnant women to build bone of the fetal.

    It supports bone strength in children.

    Cal chew helps to quickly build bones especially after fractures.

    Cal chew treating symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.

    Cal chew reduces symptoms of vitamin k deficiency.


    Why Cal chew?

    Unique formula. Palatable taste. Chewable tablet. Affordable price.


    Dosage : Chewable tablet twice daily.